Robbery Lawyer in Pasadena
Defining Robbery and Its Penalties
One of the most serious theft crimes a person can be charged with committing is that of robbery. Unlike larceny, robbery is committed by taking personal property that is in another person's possession, on their person, or in their immediate presence, and by doing so against their will and using force or fear. This offense is categorized under two different "degrees" depending on the circumstances. Robbery of the first degree involves robbery of an inhabited home or dwelling place, including trailers and boats used as a residence, as well as bank or teller robbery. All other forms of robbery not listed in California Penal Code § 212.5(a) and § 212.5(b) is considered robbery of the second degree.
All forms of robbery are felonies in California. First degree robbery is punishable by a state prison sentence of up to nine years, and second degree robbery is punishable by up to five years in state prison. Anyone who is convicted of such an offense is also very unlikely to succeed in a decent career. Hire an aggressive Pasadena criminal attorney from The Law Offices of Matthew Cargal today if you are facing charges of robbery.
Find a Skilled Pasadena Criminal Defense Attorney
Having practiced criminal defense exclusively for the past two decades, I am more than qualified to fight your theft crime charges. My firm can provide aggressive defense for any and all criminal charges, no matter how serious. I have represented hundreds of misdemeanor and felony cases and can obtain the charge reduction or case dismissal that you need after being arrested for robbery.
The sooner you contact a Pasadena criminal defense lawyer, the stronger your case will be! Contact our firm today!
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Why Choose The Law Offices of Matthew Cargal?
Matthew Cargal — not a paralegal, assistant, or junior attorney — will handle your case and will be available to discuss your case with you at your request.
We do what it takes to get the best possible result, including motions and jury trial.
Our clients are kept updated about their case at all times and return all communication promptly.
We are experts in finding alternative options should jail be an issue in your case.